Compare your monthly benefit costs

A core value of Affirm’s benefits philosophy is to reduce barriers – financial and otherwise – to allow Affirmers to access the care they need when they need it. That is why the company subsidizes 100% of the cost of your medical, dental, and vision plans. Whether you are covering only yourself, or any number of dependents, you will pay no contributions towards these plans. 

Medical, Dental, & Vision Costs

You’ll pay $0 in premiums across all Affirm medical, dental, and vision plans.

Kaiser HMOCigna OAPCigna OAPINDental (Delta Dental)Vision (VSP)
Employee Only

Affirm’s average monthly contribution: $650.00)

Employee + Spouse

(Affirm’s average monthly contribution: $1,450.00)

Costs subsidized 100% by Affirm.
You pay $0 in contributions towards these plans.

Employee + Children

(Affirm’s average monthly contribution: $1,120.00)

Employee + Family

(Affirm’s average monthly contribution: $1,900.00)

Basic Life, AD&D, Short-Term Disability, & Long-Term Disability

You’re automatically enrolled in this coverage at no cost to you.

Voluntary Accident & Critical Illness

Your monthly cost is based on the number of dependents you cover.

Voluntary AccidentVoluntary Critical Illness
Employee Only $7.68
Employee + Spouse$11.03Your cost is determined by a number of factors such as age.
Please reach out to our team if you have any questions about this.
Employee + Children$11.66
Employee + Family $17.88

Domestic Partner Information

Please note that unless your domestic partner is your tax dependent as defined by the IRS, contributions for domestic partner coverage must be made after-tax.

Similarly, the company contribution toward coverage for your domestic partner and his/her dependents will be reported as taxable income on your W-2. Contact your tax advisor for more details on how this tax treatment applies to you. Notify Affirm, Inc. if your domestic partner is your tax dependent.

Plan Costs – United States
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