Personalized career support for expecting and returning parents

Deciding to become a parent is one of the most exciting decisions you’ll ever make, but it comes with a lot of personal and professional unknowns. Parentaly offers a career coaching program to guide you through the parental experience so you can feel confident about planning for your leave and subsequently transitioning back to work with a new family member.

Guidance through your parental leave journey

Parentaly offers 1:1 career coaching to ensure you and your team are well-supported before, during, and after your leave. Before your leave, you’ll work with your coach to map out a career vision and plan for your upcoming time off. After your return, you’ll meet with your coach again to work on a successful reintegration and define your priorities moving forward.

Programming for expecting parents:

  • Work with a Parentaly certified coach to plan for your transition and accelerate your career ambitions
  • Access pre-leave planning and return-to-work templates, guides, and best practices crowdsourced from thousands of working parents like you
  • Discuss and work through specific questions and challenges related to your role

Programming for managers of expecting parents:

  • Attend a manager training (available once per quarter) on how to build an empathetic work environment for expecting and returning parents
  • Get tactical advice and resources to support your team through each stage of the parental leave journey

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Parentaly – United States
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