Rocket Lawyer

Rocket Lawyer can help you with covering aΒ  wide range of legal needs to help you address life’s situations.


Benefits include:

Service: Entitlement

Legal Documents: Unlimited

Ask a Lawyer questions: Unlimited

Attorney Discounts: 40% of hourly rate or as low as $125/hr

AttorneyConsultations: Free 30 minutes per new legal matter

DocumentReviews: 2 per month, up to 10 pages

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ARAG Legal

ARAG provides legal benefits, including attorney fees coverage, for you and your family.

Many of our big life events have a legal component. There are the joys – like getting married or buying a new house. And there are the necessities – like fighting a speeding ticket or family challenges. And everything in-between. With ARAG legal insurance, your network attorney fees are paid in full for a wide variety of legal matters.


Benefit Costs

Legal Protection

semi-monthly cost

Rocket Lawyer


ARAG Legal Ultimate Advisor

(without divorce)


ARAG Ultimate Advisor Plus

(with divorce)


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Need assistance with a legal matter?Β 

Call 800-247-4184. Customer Care will walk you through your options and help you get connected to network attorneys.

See the complete list of what your plan covers at
Access Code: 18723af

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Et has minim elitr intellegat. Mea aeterno eleifend antiopam ad, nam no suscipit quaerendum. At nam minimum ponderum. Est audiam animal molestiae te. Ex duo eripuit mentitum.

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